

The Best Payroll System,
Tailor Made
For Africa.

Introducing Kangai Pay Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies

Kangai Payroll Management System

The Best Cloud Payroll Management Information System (MIS).

Kangai Pay is a cloud-based fully integrated Human Resource & Payroll Management System that has been developed for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

You can use it to run your payroll whether you are a company with less than 5 employees or a multi-national organization consisting of over 1000 members of staff.

The Online platform allows you to access, share or alter your data & run your payroll operations from anywhere or at any time while using any telecommunication device such as your tablet, smart phone or laptop.

Kangai Pay has been engineered to generate comprehensive reports & statements for both internal & external usage all at the click of a button.

These reports include the KRA PAYE, P9, P10A reports, NHIF Byproduct reports,
NSSF reports & Banking lists
customizable as per Individual Bank's requirements.

The system monitors employees’ performance & attendance as reported by the payroll clerks or hardware components like biometric access system.
It has been engineered to enable dynamic computation of salaries, dynamic addition of deductions & allowances, non-cash benefits among others.

About Kangai Pay Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies

Kangai Payroll Modules

A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior & more views of a system. Here is ours.

Employee Registration Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


The Employee Data module is flexible to accommodate critical information for Human Resource Management such as recruitment, employee development, contact details, next of kin contact persons, academic & professional qualifications plus much more.

The PF Number is customizable according to your organization’s policy. It can conform to different character patterns such as Alpha-Numeric or the plain Numbering system.

The Housing module is critical in the generation of valid PAYE reports.
The system enables you to register this details once & from therein, the data will be fetched during the generation of multiple reports & statements automatically.

The information captured in this module includes;

  • housing mode (no housing, employer owned housing, employer rented housing or agricultural farm)
  • value of quarters
  • rent received from employee
  • value of mortgage/pension
  • insurance premium

Time Management Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


The time management module records all time related information for example daily attendance, total days worked & can be integrated with a biometric system hardware component in case it is required.

There are various modes of collection of this time data: Checklists, Working Days & Total Days. This functionality can be integrated with a biometric fingerprint or eye scanner to automatically recognize & log attendance.

The Total day’s module is designed to enable you to enter the total days worked by all employees hence giving the ability to fasttrack salary processing.

Total Days are critical in the calculation of the monthly salary. It can be configured for permanent employees who earn a monthly salary or casual laborers who earn a daily wage. The Payroll System can also accept data imported in Excel format.

Leave Management Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


This module is designed to digitize the manual and tedious process of applying for leave, the approval process & finally, the organization structuring that helps in ensuring business continuity even without an employee’s presence over a long or short period of time.

Kangai Payroll management system handles leave types such as Emergency Leave, Sick Leave, Study Leave, Sabbatical, Maternity/Paternity Leave & Annual/Vacation Leave.

The system has an integrated PDF attachment upload function for purposes of attaching any supporting documents.

All leave applications have to be approved or declined by a system user account with higher user rights or roles. This assists the company to promote certified marker-checker principles in all its transactions.

The full paperless transaction process also serves to promote the Save Trees and Green Earth initiative.

Company Assets Management Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


Company Assets refer to properties that belong to an organization and to which they are then issued to employees for usage for an unspecified period of time. Having an accurate record of all issued company assets cannot be taken for granted.

These assets include both fixed & current assets. For example, a company registered motor vehicle, plant machinery like earth movers, excavators & bulldozers, mobile phones, mud boots, overalls, safety goggles & many more.

Returnable company asset types are assets that are supposed to be surrendered back to the company once an employee is finished with his/her chores.

Non-Returnable assets such as mud boots, wind breakers etc. are not considered to be returnable since they are destined to wear out with continued heavy usage.

Bank And M-pesa Integration-Kangai Technologies


The payroll system has the capacity for integration with a number of banking systems such as Co-operative Bank, Equity Bank, Family Bank, KCB, DTB & M-Pesa.

This allows seamless communication between your firm & the financial institution at no extra fee.

The system automatically generates a banking payroll report that can be easily processed by banking platforms and enable the payments of salaries to all employee bank accounts via the bank inter-transfer services like RTGS.

This in turn reduces the need to make time-consuming & tiresome trips to your local bank premises to make salary payments/cheque deposits.

These kind of transactions promote transparency & accuracy of the transactional data to employee accounts. It also serves to ease up on the laborious tasks of banking reconciliation.

Allowances And Deductions Management Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


The allowances module caters for any benefits accrued to employees that is calculated aside from the basic pay. The system can handle an unlimited number of allowances.

If necessary, you can import the allowances via importing an Excel file. This is usually a preferred choice whenever the data being sourced from different work areas in different geographical locations.

The deductions module has been designed to handle deductions against an employee’s basic pay. You can create an unlimited number & different modes of deductions within the payroll system easily & in quick short steps.

Recent customizations have included unique allowances such as overtime, where the allowance is based on a formulae provided by a client.

Payslips And Reporting Management Payroll Management Software-Kangai Technologies


Payslips are automatically generated once a payroll has been processed. The payslip is designed to include company headers such as logos, postal & contact details.

A breakdown of all benefits & deductions of the employee are highlighted in an orderly manner.
The payroll system is equipped with multiple reports that assist in giving a graphical & statistical representation of the organization’s position.

All the reports are equipped with two download options; a Print to PDF button & an Export to Excel button for easier facilitation of in-depth analysis & research.

The payroll system is flexible and dynamic.
Therefore, you can recommend for customizations on the current reports or even request for the creation of new reports that will suit your business & make your operations better & more functional.

These reports include the following: affordable housing levy, allowances & deduction reports, banking reports, company assets issue reports, duties & roles reports, individual allowances & deductions reports, KRA P9, KRA P10A, leave applications reports, NSSF, SHIF (formerly known as NHIF), PAYE & total days worked reports.

Bulk SMS Services-Kangai Technologies


Bulk SMS services are integral to the system as a mode of communication &alert notification.

We have partnered with an International Service Provider (ISP) to help us provide the best services to our clientele.

For this, we recommend the purchase of a Sender ID that will be used as the title for any sms sent to members by the system.

This will promote the authenticity of the communication channel to members.

Sender IDs are sourced for all networks that you intend to send messages to.

For example, you will be at liberty to choose whether you want to purchase one for Safaricom, Airtel or Telkom.

Each of these have a one-off fee of Kshs 10,000.

The only other cost involved in this services is the purchase of SMS bundles which can cost anywhere between Kshs 0.4 to 0.8 dependent on the number of SMS purchased.

Software Security-Kangai Technologies


Our software products are equipped with state of the art access controls mechanisms. Access must be limited to authorized users via a secure authentication process.

Each user must have a unique username, & the sharing of accounts must not be allowed. System administrators should have a separate admin account to perform any administration tasks.

Access to our products must be password protected. Such protection shall include but not be limited to the secure & state of the art password policy; an automatic session logoff after a certain amount of idle time; lock out in case of multiple failed login attempts;

Safe & reliable password reset process; change of passwords at least every 90 calendar days. Passwords shall always be stored & transmitted in a secure way, e.g. by encryption, hashing or discrete channels.

Data Security-Kangai Technologies


You can rest assured that all data servers containing or processing your data must be located in a secure data center/online/offline server, to which access is restricted.

We always implement a backup policy that ensures system & data recovery for at least 30 days backwards. Our primary mandate is to commit to protect all your data by protecting the software using Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

We will also strive to ensure that data is secured by means of multi-layer encryption services & packages such as AES Encryption, SHA256 among others.

Kangai Technologies shall provide secure & certified data hosting while it’s in transit & at rest. We shall deliver this by using at least eight cloud server storage options available to us for purposes of online hosting & data storage.

Support And Maintenance-Kangai Technologies


We offer a complimentary support package to our clients that consist of 12 months free support from the day of purchase.

We also conduct follow-ups via physical site visits, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Zoom sessions & telephone calls periodically to ensure the smooth running of the system.

Customizations & Upgrades are based on the severity of the project & can be tabulated on request.

We also use 3rd party applications such as AnyDesk & TeamViewer to provide exquisite, fast & real-time support services.

We also offer System training to users free of charge & on successful completion, we issue a certificate to the system users.

Why Choose Kangai Payroll?

Here is why we think our Kangai Payroll System is the Best Payroll Management System for your company.

Encryption & Security

Our system deploys an Advanced Data Encryption Algorithm tool that promotes fool-proof Data Protection & enables Data Integrity.

Comprehensive Reports

There are numerous statutory reports that include P9, P10/P10A, NSSF, SHIF (formerly known as NHIF) Byproduct files, NHDF & NITA Industrial Training Levy Reports.

Cost Savings

Make huge savings in your company's operations budget with this system. We have captured all modules in a typical HR department thereby reducing the paperwork required.

Document Management

The system lets you store & manage all your important documents in one place. Upload, download, send, receive & organise files faster, & transform into a paperless business.

Tracking of Benefits

It's optimized to handle infinite numbers of benefits, compensation & earnings. This means Pensions, Deductions, Taxable & Non-taxable Allowances are captured altogether.

Unlimited Access

Our system being cloud-based, has no limitations on the number of users who can access the platform or the type of device they use to gain access to the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about Kangai Technologies? Ask us anything about our brand, projects, & get factual responses.

Frequently Asked Questions-Kangai Technologies

Yes. All our systems are configured to run on a secure browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox & Brave.
Thus, we host our system products on our dedicated cloud servers to enable seamless access & connectivity from anywhere in the world.

We price our system products quite competitively.
Pricing is based on factors such as; number of users, physical location & the scope of data.

We also have two models of payment; One-off & subscription models.
In the One-off model, the system is sold at an agreed fee & the system license is transferred to the client as a deed of full ownership.
In the Subscription model, the client will make payments in a monthly, quarterly or annual basis to be granted with a license to use the system product.

Yes. All you have to do is send our team an email on info(at) & you will receive the link in your email within minutes. You will also receive a system proposal document with features, modules & options of the system product.

All our system products come fully integrated with selected banks & Safaricom's M-Pesa platforms. To get started, we shall provide you with a letter template that you will only need to attach your company letterhead & logo, & append your signature/company seal/stamp.
This letter will then get submitted to your bank or mobile money paybill provider, who shall then contact our team to initiate the integration process.
For M-Pesa Paybill integration, the whole cycle takes about 3 - 7 working days. For banks, which are a bit bureaucratic with this process, it can take anything from 14 - 45 working days.

Yes. We can integrate our system platform with your bulk SMS provider or you can let us setup the service with our reliable partners & we shall enable you to broadcast bulk messages to your members or clients straight from the system.
You can also setup automated SMS notifications to be sent to your clients once payments are received, annual general meetings (AGM) alerts, reminders & warnings.

The system can be integrated with special features such as the Safaricom B2C API platform that enables you to disburse loans to members all at the touch of a button.
This feature reduces operation costs such as new cheque book fees, traveling costs for signatories & also the timeline it takes for loans to get disbursed.

We do not have any hidden costs or charges in all our products. Once we negotiate on a favorable contract with you, the financial bit of it is always final.
All costs are broken down into modules like training costs, integration costs, support & maintenance charges, bulk SMS costs e.t.c

USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. For example, *254# or *254*100#.
Our system products can be configured into USSD formats for usage by feature phones & old model mobile phones with limited or no internet connectivity.
All you need to do is contact us & let us setup an ideal solution for your company.

We offer a complimentary support package to our clients that consist of 12 months free support from the day of purchase.
We also conduct follow ups via site visits, Skype sessions & telephone calls periodically to ensure the smooth running of the system.
Customizations & upgrades are based on the severity of the project & can be tabulated on request.
We offer System Training to users free of charge & on successful completion issue a certificate to the system users.

The greatest thing about our systems is the fact that they are cloud-based.
This means it can run on any web browser, on any computer or smartphone with a reliable internet connection.

Our system products use an algorithm of combined security features including user names, passwords, & encryption keys to ensure that only authorized users have access to your sensitive data.
We also install military grade Secure Socket Layers (SSL) certificates that ensures the data transmitted between our servers & your web server is encrypted, making it more difficult for hackers to decipher.

Contact Us

Dul Dul Phase I Business Park, Ground Floor, Mombasa Road

info (at)

+254 737 283 113

Kangai Technologies Contact Page